Thursday, June 11, 2015

Saying Goodbye to the PCT

June 11th, 2015

The next morning my sister and I got up and started packing up. We were very close to Towalame Meadows which was the finish for my sister.  She had a car at Red's Meadows and she was going to get a ride with a friend back there.  I was just finishing reading most of Yogi's guidebook that I took with me about the Continental Divide Trail and was thinking about the possibility of me leaving the PCT to hike the CDT this season.  Since my sister was here and she was driving back up to my moms house it would be a great opportunity to get a ride back to civilization and buy some maps / get ready for a new trail.
I though to myself and since I was in shape, I had all my gear, and I had time why not go to the Rocky Mountains and hike there. The PCT was getting really busy for a long distance trail and I've heard that the CDT was just starting to get popular. The fact was that this would be the best time to hike on CDT because it was still remote and would have very few hikers on it. I also read that there's a lot of different animals on the trail (grizzly bears, elk, buffalo, wolves, moose... ect). After getting close to Yosemite Valley that convinced me it was time to get off the PCT and get on a more challenging trail.

By late morning we got to the Towalame Meadows Post Office where we met my sister's friend Emily. After that we took a short 4 mile hike up to a lake and back. Then we drove back towards Mammoth city to get some food at a Mexican restaurant.
After this we made our way back to the car at Red's Meadows and then we drove all the way back to my mom house.  By the time my sister and I got home it was 11 o'clock.  Then I started buying maps and  plotting to hike on the CDT.

For some more information about the CDT click here. 

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